Student Groups and Support
Getting Social and Emotional Assistance
Asking for help can be tough, especially in front of peers. Students may use the links to the right in order to privately report behavior that is not in accordance with the ACT statement. Or you can privately notify us of behavior that exemplifies the ACT statement!
Student Council

The mission of Student Council is to build responsible leaders within our school community and promote the values that represent good character in all students. Student Council promotes and provides leadership development opportunities to prepare and empower student leaders to serve our school and community.
Student Council is about:
Leadership—Supporting the development of student leadership skills and knowledge.
Service—Helping build a climate of caring and tolerance through volunteerism and service to others.
Student Voice—Promoting student council as the voice of the student body and giving every student an opportunity to be heard.
Engagement—Encouraging students to become involved in school and community leadership and decision making.
Student Council recognizes:
Empowered students are vehicles for positive change in their school and community.
Student leaders have the responsibility to be positive role models.
Student councils play a vital role in preserving knowledge of and practice in the democratic process.

WEB (Where Everybody Belongs) is a student centered leadership and mentoring program. WEB engages, develops, and trains older students to be leaders and mentors. WEB leaders are 7th and 8th graders who volunteer to help 6th graders throughout the first year of their transition to middle school.
In addition to facilitating learning experiences and instructing 6th graders in valuable lessons on how to be successful in middle school, WEB leaders step up and become a substantial presence on campus acting as role models of positive behavior. Through identification and connection to WEB leaders, 6th graders will feel that they belong, are a vital part of our campus, and will start to see themselves as leaders on campus too.
National Junior Honor Society (NJHS)

CFMS maintains an active National Junior Honor Society group. This service organization, takes their commitment to service seriously. Service is provided to the CFMS community and the larger Corona community. Students are expected to model our ACT statement in their actions and interactions. They give back in ways including Make a Difference Day, Angel Tree, food drives, recognitions, peer mentoring, dances, and donations to the school.
The CFMS Jaguar Band consists of sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students whose accomplishments and talents are noteworthy. Band is included as part of our regular school day!
Students who wish to participate in orchestra may join Mr. Constantine after school for practices and rehersals.
Breakaway is a group of students, chosen by teachers, who represent different social groups on campus. The intent is to involve student leaders to continually and positively influence their social groups. Breakaway empowers young people to not only envision social change, but to live it. Leaders positively impact students’ lives and community. Students gain a voice on campus, as they build their school organization and environment.

After School Study
In order to provide students with a safe, after-school work setting which allows them to access resources they may not have at home, the Library is open Monday through Thursday after school until 4:00 p.m. Students have an opportunity to use resources including books and computers in a quiet and organized work setting.
Check In, Check Out
Students who need focus in the classroom may participate in “Check In, Check Out.” Students develop a list of goals or targeted behaviors. Goals might include work completion, on task behavior, positive peer interactions, or homework completion. Points are earned for reaching their goals and are rewarded at the end of each day. Check In, Check Out provides an opportunity to connect, process, and celebrate.
Corona Foothills is a fully inclusive school. Special attention is given to removing physical, social, and emotional barriers for all of our inclusion students. Students with severe and profound disabilities participate in core classes with adult targeted support.
Corona Foothills Middle School provides multiple challenging opportunities for each student to continue achieving at his or her highest potential.
Gifted Learning Program
Special Education Resource Classrooms
Speech and Language Classroom
Our Gifted Learning Program focuses on project-based activities aligned with the core curriculum. This model supports an integrated, cross-disciplinary program, where the content is more complex, varied and accelerated. The curriculum for gifted students encompasses a high level of cognitive and effective concepts and processes. Students participate daily in critical thinking assignments and extensions that challenge their thinking and develop their interests.
The Special Education Resource Classrooms are centered on meeting students’ instructional and organizational needs. Instruction is differentiated for each student; however, significant effort is made to instruct students on the grade level standards at the same time. Resource students participate in the mainstream core classes, generally social studies and science, following the curriculum calendar and receiving support from content and resource teachers. Special education students may also receive more individualized re-teach during the re-teach period if needed
The Speech and Language Classroom uses goals from IEP plans to guide therapy-based language and articulation instruction. The program includes 14 students seen in the speech classroom and in other areas of the campus. Students are observed in their classrooms to ensure that their speech and language goals are being carried over into the classroom setting.