Positive Behavior
Intervention and Support
Corona Foothills Middle School staff, in conjunction with the Vail School District, has worked to develop positive behavioral supports. We have implemented a series of rewards and have outlined consistent, school-wide expectations for student behavior. We expect students to act in a respectful manner at all times.

Principal's 200 Club
The focus of the Principal's 200 club is character. As such, this is not awarded for a single event or instance of expected behaviors. We are looking for students who consistently display behaviors in accordance with the ACT Statement.
The program involves the following components:
Student receives award from staff member on campus with a note detailing the student's outstanding behavior.
Student receives positive phone call from the office staff to celebrate.
Student receives 50 PBIS Rewards points (Corona Cash).
Student picks a numbered token and has their name displayed on a 14x14 grid in the front office.
When a row on the grid is completely filled with student names, that row of students receives a party.
Corona Cash (PBIS Rewards Points)
The Principal's 200 Club is something that students can set as a long term goal, but immediate positive feedback is an integral part of our positive behavior support. Our focus with Corona Cash is to provide that immediate feedback when students follow school wide expectations. Whether a student is in the classroom, on the field at recess, or in the cafeteria we strive to catch them following the rules. There is no limit to how much Corona Cash a student may earn!
The program involves the following components:
Students will be frequently awarded.
Students may use their Corona Cash to purchase items from the school store.
Students will be entered into quarterly drawings for larger prizes!

Behaviors that Promote Learning
One of the keys to learning is being actively engaged as a student. We identify and reward those, behaviors that promote engagement and learning.
Follows classroom expectations
Participates regularly and appropriately in class
Completes assigned tasks
The program involves the following components:
Work ethic grades change from week-to-week and reflect the previous week's efforts in a particular class.
Work effort grades will affect a student's eligibility for extracurricular activities and honor roll.