Starbase 2.0 Wednesdays

We are excited to introduce the STARBASE Arizona 2.0 program to Corona Foothills Middle School! STARBASE Arizona, a Department of Defense program, is a premiere “hands-on, minds-on” S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) program. The goal of STARBASE Arizona is to build interest and encourage students to see themselves as the scientists, technologists, engineers and mathematicians of the future.

While participating in STARBASE 2.0, the fifteen 6th grade students who are selected will meet weekly on Wednesdays from 2:35- 4:00pm with the STARBASE coordinator, teacher liaison, and S.T.E.M. coaches. Each week students will work on team building, goal setting and learn about the science of speed. Students will have access to the computer aided design software, Whitebox, to experience

the Engineering Design Process while creating a CO2 dragster. Under the supervision of their S.T.E.M. coach, they will then produce their design into a balsa wood dragster using

basic wood carving tools. Our session will end with a race against other participants in the STARBASE 2.0 program.

We expect participants will:

  • ●  Commit to attending all 20 sessions beginning Jan 5th - May 25th

  • ●  Arrive on time with a snack

  • ●  Aim to be a S.T.A.R (Students are responsible, Treat others with respect,

    Always a team player, Remember safety first)

    We want students at STARBASE ARIZONA to be successful and reach for the unreachable.

    Feel free to visit our national STARBASE website at or check us out on facebook at https: 

Registration paperwork can be found here: