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Hello 8th Grade Parents,
It’s that time of year already and we are in the planning process of all the wonderful CFMS 8th Grade events. This is a very busy and fun-filled week for our 8th graders, and we couldn’t make it happen without wonderful parents like you!!
Monday, May 23rd, 10:00am-1:00pm: 8th Grade Field Trip to Round 1 (Park Place).
We will be needing 15 parent volunteers to supervise and monitor doors so students can not come and go. Parents need to provide their own transportation, you may follow the bus (9:00am) or please be at Park Place by 10:00 am
Tuesday, May 24th, 2:30pm - 4:30pm: 8th Grade ONLY Dance & BBQ
Food Donations Needed - We would love to offer 2 hotdogs or 2 hamburgers per student. They usually come hungry after school!!! Please plan to bring all food donations to the front office by Friday, May 20th. If you are bringing homemade items, please bring them in the morning of Tuesday, May 24th.
Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Chips, Condiments, Waters, Paper Products, etc.
Ice Cream Sandwiches
We will be needing approximately 6-8 parent volunteers to help with set-up, serving/cooking food and clean-up.
Thursday May 26th 7:45am - 8:30am: 8th Grade Promotion, Student Continental Breakfast
Food Donations Needed - Please plan to bring all food donations to the front office by Monday, May 23rd. If you are bringing homemade items, please bring them by Wednesday, May 25th.
Orange juice, Apple Juice, Capri Suns
Mini Muffins, Mini Donuts, Mini Cinnamon rolls, etc.
Fresh whole Fruit, etc. (apple, oranges, bananas)
We will be needing approximately 4 parent volunteers to help with set-up, serving food and clean-up.
**Want to Donate and/or Volunteer**
Please click the SignUpGenius links below
We appreciate any and all donations. We have included the SignUpGenius links if you could please sign up by Monday May 2nd. This will allow us to accurately count items we are expecting and what we are still needing. This is a big event that the 8th graders look forward to, and we want to make sure we have enough food for everyone to enjoy!! Thank you!!
If you have questions or concerns please contact:
Mrs. Rhonda Mack - CFMS Volunteer Coordinator
520-879-3511 or mackr@vailschooldistrict.org