Just for Girls Social Group

What:  Our Confident Me self-esteem workshops from Dove's Self-Esteem Project are evidence-based for extra peace of mind. This means that every lesson is designed to make a difference. Workshops will address key topics, including the impact of society, professional and social media on appearance ideals. With every session, students will boost their self-esteem and grow up confident.

Who: Girls only

Why: Self-esteem affects young people in so many different ways, especially at school. Studies show that children who are body confident are more likely to contribute in class, more likely to make stable friendships and more likely to reach their academic potential. Whereas children with low self-esteem are less likely to raise their hand, share their opinion, and interact both socially and in the classroom, and therefore may not perform as well overall at school. So, building self-esteem and confidence in students is vital for inspiring them to dream big,  overcome adversity, and to help them feel at home socially in their school environment. 

Parents can grant permission to attend these group workshops using this google form!