Overcoming Stress

What: In our Rise Up group students will practice the skills to elevate their confidence and resilience, boost their self-awareness, eliminate negative self-talk, and master mindfulness techniques that strengthen their academic performance.

Who: 7th and 8th graders

Why: Life can get really tough. So it's important to help young people to cultivate tools and tricks that can support us to get through the hard stuff of daily stressors, to relate to uncomfortable feelings with self-compassion and to practice skills that can help us to feel calmer and more relaxed. This is where using healthy coping strategies come into play. Healthy coping skills will not necessarily get rid of the challenging, stressful situations (especially those we don't have control over), but they can help us to make better, more empowering choices and move aside some of the confusion, chaos, blahs & crazies so that we can better see the silver lining, cup-is-half-full perspectives and possibilities. 

Parents can grant permission to attend these group workshops using this google form!